surfboards with good tracking in water-Firewire FRK IBolic Round 6'1 Surfboard - Futures

Size 6' 1

If I had to describe the nuts and bolts of the FRKs design, I’d simply say it’s made to make you forget it’s there. When designing boards for Kelly I’m trying to remove as many variables as possible and make it something that can level up his talents, or the talents of other surfers, without any glitches, or ever feeling like its in your way. Firewire Ibolic Surfboard Technology. With a fiber reinforced I-Beam down center and Parabolic Rail Springs from noes to tail, Ibolic technology is an engineering feat that builds I-Beam strength and Parabolic Flex control into the core of your surfboard - no external carbon lay-ups or heavy laminations needed. The I-Beam down center ensures firmness underfoot and unparalleled break strength while the two Parabolic Rail Springs enable flex and recoil durning turns. A leap forward in surfboard manufacturing with an inter-play of our favorite elements of LFT and Helium tech combined. Ibolic is elevated and enhanced to put The Future Under Your Feet.